Antidiscrimination and harassment policy.

TPS as an employer

TPS provides high-quality, temporary personnel for maritime, offshore and industrial projects. Reliable staff is essential for success. Therefore TPS stands for an organisation as an equal opportunity employer. 

Our Antidiscrimination and -harassment policy

TPS stands for an organisation as an "equal opportunity employer". We will not discriminate and will take "necessary action measures”  to ensure against discrimination in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the bases of race, creed, colour, national origin, or sex.

Everyone deserves equal opportunities. Also within finding and keeping a job. As well as during the hiring process of the applying candidates as during the mediation of TPS contracted workforce we purely focus on someone’s soft and hard skills, competences and talents. That’s what it’s all about.

How TPS turns this policy into reality

All TPS employees are required to commit within all areas to provide a work environment that is free from discrimination and harassment based upon an individual's sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion or any other legally protected person, if an employee fails to commit to this policy it will not be tolerated. All employees are expected and required to stand by this policy. 

Employees, supervisors or managers who mislead their superiors during the work by putting colleagues in a bad light for personal gain are in violation of this policy and will at first receive an official warning due to disobeying the rules of this policy. If the warned person commits the same foul again then that person will be subject to discipline and therefore banned from the project with immediate effect. Teamwork makes the quality of work, individuals don’t. 

Employees, supervisors and managers who knowingly allow or tolerate discrimination, harassment or revenge, including the failure to immediately report such misbehaviour to TPS, are in violation of this policy and subject to discipline with an official warning. If the warned person commits the same foul again then that person will be subject to discipline again and therefore banned from the project with immediate effect.

Feel free to reach out to TPS in any case of harassment or discrimination no matter how minor it may seem. For your safety, contact TPS via as soon as possible in cases of serious harassment (for example sexual advances) or if your manager is involved in your claim. Anything you disclose will remain confidential. 

What does TPS do

TPS does the following to prevent discrimination and harassment from happening;
Our message is clear to all employees. Within all layers of the company, employees must feel supported at all times to not cooperate with discriminatory requests and stand up to discrimination. Combating discrimination starts with good example behaviour in the highest layers of the company. Managers make the subject accessible and negotiable. They create an environment in which employees feel free and safe to announce any wrong-doing. Any interests between commercial objectives and our anti-discrimination policy are always open to discussion.


Disclaimer: This policy is meant to provide general guidelines and should be used as a reference. It may not take into account all relevant local, state or federal laws and is not a legal document. Neither the author nor TPS will assume any legal liability that may arise from the use of this policy.