Privacy policy.

TPS respects the privacy of all users of its website and ensures that the personal information you provide to us is always treated confidentially. The personal data of clients and visitors are therefore treated and secured with the utmost care. If you have questions, comments or complaints about the processing of your personal data, please contact us via email at or by telephone on +31 (0)76 78 10 781

Who are we?

TPS is registered with the Chamber of Commerce as Technical Project Services B.V. under Chamber of Commerce number 24449022 and is a Dutch employment agency with registered office in Breda.

The purposes for which personal data are processed

  • The acceptance and issuing of offers by TPS to existing or potential clients;
  • The performance of a contract with clients; TPS can, in the context of performing contracts, provide your personal data to a third party involved in the performance of the contract, such as TPS’s service partners;
  • If you have contact with TPS to handle your request or question and for the other purposes mentioned in this privacy statement. This may take place by telephone, by email, via the contact form, via a link contained in an email sent by us or via some other electronic message offered to you, via the chat function, web care, surveys or (panel) surveys, the (mobile) website, if you sign up for newsletters or via social media;
  • The handling of complaints, questions, disputes and participation in social media;
  • For the development of products and services and market research;
  • To inform you about (new) products and services from TPS. Directly, but also for instance via social media campaigns on Facebook, for example, and/or search engines like Google. In this context, we take as much account as possible of preferences based on products or services purchased and/or based on the use of the (mobile) website recorded with your consent and preferences for communication channel.

Security and retention period

TPS treats the personal data you entrust to us carefully. TPS ensures that your data are properly secured and that only authorised persons at TPS have access to your data. TPS takes the necessary technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data against loss or unlawful use. TPS saves your personal data for no longer than necessary in order to realise the purposes for which they are collected and processed. It may be necessary to save personal data to be able to perform our duties properly or comply with statutory obligations.

Use of personal data by third parties

TPS does not allow the use of personal data by third parties for commercial, charitable or non-commercial purposes.


TPS uses cookies in offering its services. A cookie is a small, simple file containing data that is stored either to the peripheral device (such as the PC, smart phone or tablet) or kept in your browser session. TPS places a number of cookies on your peripheral device (PC, smart phone or tablet) to improve your online experience. Every cookie is unique and can only be read by the server that gave it to your system. An important purpose of cookies is that they are used for your convenience. The purpose of a cookie is to tell the web server that you have returned to a certain web page or that you are more interested in certain web pages.

If you want to turn off cookies, you can do this via your own browser. You can find more detailed information about managing cookies with specific web browsers on the websites of the particular browsers.

  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Safari

Rights of the data subject

As a business relation of TPS, you can inspect your personal data if you submit a written request to this end. If the summary provided by us contains factual inaccuracies, you can request in writing that the data be amended or deleted. If you do not wish to be contacted with information about our products and services, you can also notify us of this in writing. You can invoke the following rights:

  • Right to inspect your data;
  • Right to have your data deleted;
  • Right to have your data amended;
  • Right to object to the processing of your data;
  • Right to have your data transferred;
  • Right to withdraw the consent you have granted;
  • Right to submit a complaint to the Dutch DPA.

If you wish to invoke one or more rights, please contact TPS via email at or by telephone on +31(0)76 7676318.


The information provided on or via this website is only general in nature. Although the information has been put together with care, TPS cannot guarantee that the information offered is accurate, complete or up to date. The information is subject to change at any time, without further notice. TPS has the right to discontinue providing information on this website or restrict access to it. This website may contain references to third-party websites (for instance by means of a hyperlink, banner or button). TPS has no control over these websites, nor is TPS responsible for the content of these websites.


TPS reserves the right to amend this privacy statement. You are therefore asked to consult TPS's privacy statement from time to time.

If you have suggestions, complaints or questions about our Privacy Statement, please send an email to or contact us on +31 (0)76 78 10 781

Updated on May 2020.